Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Apple Study" By Kelli Miller

This is a value study I did in Carol Marine's workshop. I learned more from her in 5 days than I did in three years of classes! Love her!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Pumpkin Pair" By Kelli Miller

6x6in $100.00

It's that time of year! I painted these little guys yesterday then I put them on my front porch. This morning I headed out for my walk and it was gone. Looked around and found it half eaten under the tree. Wow who's feeding the squirrels the roids??

Sunday, October 2, 2011

"The Original Angry Bird" By Kelli Miller NFS

6x6in oil unframed

So I was going to do a series of sunflowers but for some reason the flowers I bought didn't open up. Bummer. So, I painted this very unhappy fellow instead. I've heard of the game Angry Birds but I've never seen it. I wonder if they look like this guy.