Friday, December 23, 2011

"Wonder What's Inside" By Kelli Miller

Well, we are down in Florida for Christmas. So happy to be with my girls but kinda sad that we left a winter wonderland back in Denver. Very grateful that our flight left Denver safely. There was 10 inches of snow on the ground when we left.

I painted this and kept wondering what could be inside. What do you think it is??

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011

"Solitude" By Kelli Miller

When I paint angels I really feel their presence. This angel seemed so peaceful. Like she really relished her solitude. She is sold.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"The Guardians"

These are my Angels. I love to paint angels. It seems that every November I feel compelled to paint them. I hope you enjoy them.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

"Just Add Color" By Kelli Miller

6x8 oil

This is the finished painting from the value study I posted last time. Doing the value study sure made this painting fly!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Apple Study" By Kelli Miller

This is a value study I did in Carol Marine's workshop. I learned more from her in 5 days than I did in three years of classes! Love her!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Pumpkin Pair" By Kelli Miller

6x6in $100.00

It's that time of year! I painted these little guys yesterday then I put them on my front porch. This morning I headed out for my walk and it was gone. Looked around and found it half eaten under the tree. Wow who's feeding the squirrels the roids??

Sunday, October 2, 2011

"The Original Angry Bird" By Kelli Miller NFS

6x6in oil unframed

So I was going to do a series of sunflowers but for some reason the flowers I bought didn't open up. Bummer. So, I painted this very unhappy fellow instead. I've heard of the game Angry Birds but I've never seen it. I wonder if they look like this guy.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Sunny" By Kelli Miller

6x6 oil

I absolutely love sunflowers. So get ready to see a LOT of them. Just bought a bunch of them and they haven't quite opened up yet. I'going to paint them every day just to see how they change. The flower in this painting was actually a (gasp) fake flower. It will be interesting to see if there is a difference between the real and the fake.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Awe Shucks" By Kelli Miller

You see the apple in the cup just gave the little apple a compliment and she is so shy she's trying to hide the fact that she is blushing!

This painting is and 8x8 on gallery wrapped canvas.

Monday, September 19, 2011

"Bronco Fan" By Kelli Miller

The Denver Broncos won yesterday (huh?). So, in honor of their win, I am posting this orange and blue painting. (The Broncos colors are orange and blue:)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Pink Buddies" By Kelli Miller

These are the same carnations from my previous post. I am going to paint them every other day to see how the fill out. Kinda fun.

Friday, August 26, 2011

"Cheating... a Little" By Kelli Miller

6x6 oil

So... did you know it's easier to paint carnations if you turn the blooms away from you? Lol. That's what I did in this painting. So I'm kinda cheating:)

I haven't blogged or painted for the past two and a half weeks. My father-in-law had open heart surgery. So spent a lot of time at the hospital plus my youngest has been home for the past 2 weeks and my oldest came home for a week. Now I'm back to being an empty nester again. It doesn't get any easier. She even took her cat:(

Friday, August 12, 2011

"Red Carnation" By Kelli Miller

This carnation was very difficult for me to paint. As hard as I tried I couldn't see the layers. I lost track of how many times I wiped it and started over! I finally got it on the umpteenth time. Woohoo!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"Five O'clock" By Kelli Miller

Just got back from vacation. It was cooler in Mexico than it is here in Denver! In Mexico it didn't matter whether it was 5 o'clock or not. We saw people drinking at 9:00 in the morning! We at least waited till 12:01 :)

6x6 oil

Friday, July 22, 2011

"Lemon Drop" by Kelli Miller SOLD

I thought that this was a pretty appropriate painting considering I'm going on vacation tomorrow. I won't have internet access for the next week. Hasta la vista! Ole!:)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Priscilla" Original Still Life Lemon Painting by Colorado Artist Kelli Miller

I paint in an old boarding house. There are 14 artists in the building and we each have our own studio. Literally our own studio apartment. Only about 300 square feet. There are usually five or six artists in the building at one time. When I finish a painting I get so excited that I go around and show it to anyone that is there. Judy is a fellow painter and she is a hoot! When I took this down to show her she exclaimed "Priscilla!" That's how it got it's name!

6x6 oil priced at $100.00